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組織消化酶主要用于組織培養(yǎng)和細胞生物學研究的原代細胞的分離和收集。盡管這些消化酶已經(jīng)普遍應用多年,但是對其組織消化和細胞收集的作用機制卻沒有全面的理解。 由此導致的結(jié)果便是選擇一種消化方法大多是隨機選擇或基于過去的經(jīng)驗,而不是在*理解消化原理的基礎上選擇的消化方案,以及如何根據(jù)具體實驗目的修正消化方案以獲得更好的實驗結(jié)果。
本指南總結(jié)了目前常用組織消化酶的zui適消化和細胞收集知識和方法,描述了標準的實驗步驟, 以便于制定一個*的細胞分離方案,同時列舉了一些相關(guān)的參考文獻。
脂肪組織 | 腎上腺組織 | 骨組織 | 腦組織 |
軟骨組織 | 結(jié)腸組織 | 內(nèi)皮組織 | 上皮組織 |
眼 | 心臟 | 腸 | 腎 |
肝 | 肺 | 淋巴結(jié) | 乳腺 |
其它組織 | 其他組織 | 肌組織 | 神經(jīng)組織 |
胰腺 | 腮腺 | 垂體 | 前列腺 |
生殖 | 動物鱗片 | 皮膚 | 脾臟 |
干細胞 | 胸腺 | 甲狀腺/甲狀旁腺 | 扁桃體 |
腫瘤 |
物種 | 詳細來源 | 細胞名稱 | 消化用酶 | 培養(yǎng)基 | 參考文獻 |
牛 | 牛, 泌乳期 | Mammary epithelial | Collagenase Type 3: 400 u/ml | HBSS | Miranda, S., Wang, Y., Purdie, N., Osborne, V., Coomber, B. and Cant, J.:Selenomethionine Stimulates Expression of Glutathione Peroxidase 1 and 3 and Growth of Bovine Mammary Epithelial Cells in Primary Culture., J Dairy Sci 92, 2670, 2009 |
Hyaluronidase: 100 u/ml | |||||
Deoxyribonuclease I: 2 u/ml | |||||
牛 | 牛, 小母牛, 200公斤 | Mammary epithelial | Collagenase Type 2: 1% | M-199 | Weber M., Purup S., Vestergaard M., Ellis S., Scndergard-Andersen J., Akers R., and Sejrsen K.: Contribution of Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF)-I and IGF-binding Protein-3 to Mitogenic Activity in Bovine Mammary Extracts and Serum, J Endocrinol 161, 365, 1999 |
Hyaluronidase: 1% | |||||
Deoxyribonuclease I: 0.03% | |||||
牛 | 牛 | Epithelial | Hyaluronidase: 0.005% | HBSS | Gibson, C., Vega, J., Baumrucker, C., Oakley, C., and Welsch, C.: Establishment And Characterization Of Bovine Mammary Epithelial Cell Lines, In Vitro Cell Dev Biol27, 585, 1991 |
牛 | 牛 | Epithelial | Deoxyribonuclease I: 0.04% | HBSS/Medium 199 | Baumrucker, C., Deemer, K., Walsh, R., Riss, T., and Akers, R.: Primary Culture of Bovine Mammary Acini on a Collagen Matrix, Tissue Cell 20 (4), 541, 1988 |
牛 | 牛, 幼年的, 哺乳期, 雌性 | Mammary | Collagenase: 0.30 % | HBSS or EBSS | Anderson, C., and Larson, B.: Comparative Maintenance of Function in Dispersed Cell and Organ Cultures, Exp Cell Res 61, 24, 1970 |
牛 | 牛, 牛奶場, 純血統(tǒng)的, | Secretory | Collagenase: 0.02 - 0.03% | HBSS or EBSS | Schingoethe, D., Hageman, E., and Larson, B.: Essential Amino Acids for Milk Protein Synthesis in the In Vitro Secretory Cell and Stimulation by Elevated Levels,Biochim Biophys Acta 148, 469, 1967 |
(包括大鼠, 豪斯曼, 白化變種, 白色) | Mammary gland | ||||
山羊 | 山羊, 哺乳期, 1 個月 | Mammary gland | Collagenase: 0.02 - 0.03% | HBSS or EBSS | Blanco, A., Rife, U., and Larson, B.: Lactate Dehydrogenase Isozymes during Dedifferentiation in Cultures of Mammary Secretory Cells, Nature 214, 1331, 1967 |
豚鼠 | 豚鼠, 懷孕的, 4-10 天 | Mammary gland | Trypsin NF 1:250: 0.25% | Dulbecco phosphate | Turba, F., and Hilpert, N.: Secretion and Resorption of Proteins by Isolated Mammary Gland Cells. German, Biochem Z 334, 501, 1961 |
人類 | 人類 | Mammary Epithelial | Collagenase: 200 u/ml | DMEM/F-12 | Labarge, M., Garbe, J. and Stampfer, M.: Processing of Human Reduction Mammoplasty and Mastectomy Tissues for Cell Culture., J Vis Exp 71, , 2013 |
Hyaluronidase: 100 u/ml | |||||
人類 | 人類, 正?;顧z | Fibroblasts | Collagenase Type 3: 900 u/ml | DMEM/F-12 | Ronnov-Jessen L., Villadsen R., Edwards J., and Petersen O.: Differential Expression of a Chloride Intracellular Channel Gene, CLIC4, in Transforming Growth Factor-beta1-mediated Conversion of Fibroblasts to Myofibroblasts, Am J Pathol 161, 471, 2002 |
人類 | 人類 | Mammary epithelial cells | Collagenase Type 1: 0.1% | DMEM | Huss, F. and Kratz, G.: Mammary Epithelial Cell and Adipocyte Co-Culture in a 3-D Matrix: The First Step Towards Tissue-Engineered Human Breast Tissue., Cells Tissues Organs 169, 361-7, 2001 |
人類 | 人類 | Epithelial | Collagenase Type 1: 450 IU/ml | DMEM/Ham's F-12 | Ogmundsdottir, H., Petursdottir, I., Gudmundsdottir, I., Amundadottir, L., Ronnov-Jessen, L., and Petersen, O.: Effects of Lymphocytes and Fibroblasts on the Growth of Human Mammary Carcinoma Cells Studied in Short-Term Primary Cultures, In Vitro Cell Dev Biol 29A, 936, 1993 |
Fibroblasts | |||||
人類 | 人類 | Myofibroblasts | Collagenase: 900 IU/ml | DME - F12 | Ronnov-Jessen, L., VanDeurs, B., Nielsen, M., and Petersen, O.W.: Identification, Paracrine Generation, and Possible Function of Human Breast Carcinoma Myofibroblasts in Culture, In Vitro Cell Dev Biol 28, 273, 1992 |
人類 | 人類, 女性, 15-61 歲大 | Epithelial | Hyaluronidase: 150 IU/ml | DMEM | Berthon, P., Pancino, G., Cremoux, P., Roseto, A., Gespach, C., and Calvo, F.:Characterization of Normal Breast Epithelial Cells in Primary Cultures: Differentiation and Growth Factor Receptors Studies, J Tiss Cul Meth 28A, 716, 1992 |
人類 | 人類 | Epithelial | Collagenase: 2.0% | DMEM/Ham's F-12 | Emerman, J. and Wilkinson, D.: Routine Culturing of Normal, Dysplastic and Malignant Human Mammary Epithelial Cells from Small Tissue Samples, In Vitro Cell Dev Biol 26, 1186, 1990 |
人類 | 人類 | Tumor, breast | Neuraminidase: 0.8 u/ml | HBSS | Leung, C., and Shiu, R.: Morphological and Proliferative Characteristics of Human Breast Tumor Cells Cultured on Plastic and in Collagen Matrix, In Vitro 18, 476, 1981 |
人類 | 人類 | Epithelial | Hyaluronidase: 100 u/ml | DMEM/Ham's F-12 | Stampfer, M., Hallowes, R., and Hackett, A.: Growth of Normal Human Mammary Cells in Culture, In Vitro 16 (5), 415, 1980 |
小鼠 | 小鼠 | Mammary tumor | Collagenase: 0.15% | DMEM/F12 | Liu, X., Johnson, S., Liu, S., Kanojia, D., Yue, W., Singh, U., Wang, Q, Wang Qi, Nie, Q. and Chen H.: Nonlinear Growth Kinetics of Breast Cancer Stem Cells: Implications for Cancer Stem Cell Targeted Therapy., Sci Rep 3, 2473, 2013 |
Hyaluronidase: 0.020% | |||||
小鼠 | 小鼠, 10 周 | Fibroblasts, carcinoma | Collagenase Type 4: 0.5% | DMEM | Cheng, N. and Lambert, D.: Mammary Transplantation of Stromal Cells and Carcinoma Cells in C57BL/6J Mice., J Vis Exp 54, e2716, 2011 |
Trypsin: 0.2% | |||||
Deoxyribonuclease I: 0.004 | |||||
Hyaluronidase: 1,000 u/ml | |||||
小鼠 | 小鼠, 12 周 | Mammary epithelial | Collagenase: 0.3% | see reference | Taddei Ilaria, Deugnier Marie-Ange, Faraldo Marisa M, Petit Valerie, Bouvard Daniel, Medina Daniel, Fsssler Reinhard, Thiery Jean Paul, Glukhova Marina:Beta1 integrin deletion from the basal compartment of the mammary epithelium affects stem cells, Nat Cell Biol 10, 716-22, 2008 |
Hyaluronidase: 100 u/ml | |||||
Trypsin: 0.25% | |||||
Neutral Protease: 0.5% | |||||
Deoxyribonuclease I: 0.01% | |||||
小鼠 | 小鼠, 11 周 | Epithelial | Collagenase Type 3: 25 u/ml | DMEM/F12 | Mueller, S., Clark, J., Myers, P. and Korach, K.: Mammary Gland Development in Adult Mice Requires Epithelial and Stromal Estrogen Receptor Alpha., Endocrinology 143, 2357, 2002 |
Hyaluronidase: 0.1% | |||||
Protease XIV: 0.05% | |||||
Deoxyribonuclease I: 0.04% | |||||
小鼠 | 小鼠 | Mammary epithelial stem | Collagenase Type 3: 0.1% | DMEM | Boulanger CA, Smith GH: Reducing mammary cancer risk through premature stem cell senescence, Oncogene 20, 2264-72, 2001 |
Hyaluronidase: 0.1% | |||||
Pronase: 1.25% | |||||
Deoxyribonuclease I: 0.2% | |||||
小鼠 | 小鼠, 白變種實驗室老鼠 | Epithelium | Collagenase: 250 u/ml | HBSS | Kanazawa, T., and Hosick, H.: Transformed Growth Phenotype of Mouse Mammary Epithelium in Primary Culture Induced by Specific Fetal Mesenchymes, J Cell Physiol153, 381, 1992 |
小鼠 | 小鼠, 白變種實驗室老鼠, 處女, 雌性, 4 個月 | Adipocytes | Trypsin: 50 礸/ml | DMEM | Beck, J., Hosick, H., and Watkins, B.: Growth of Epithelium From a Preneoplastic Mammary Outgrowth on Response to Mammary Adipose Tissue, In Vitro Cell Dev Biol25 (5), 409, 1989 |
小鼠 | 小鼠 (白變種實驗室老鼠Crgl), 成年的 | Epithelial | Pronase: 0.01% | Hepes buffered medium 199 | Bandyopadhyay, G., Imagawa, W., Wallace, D., and Nandi, S.: Proliferative effects of insulin and epidermal growth factor on mouse mammary epithelial cells in primary culture, J Biol Chem 263, 7567, 1988 |
小鼠 | 小鼠, 白變種實驗室老鼠, 雌性, 6-8 周 | Epithelial | Collagenase Type 3: 0.1% | DMEM | Ehmann, U., Peterson, W., and Misfeldt, D.: To Grow Mouse Mammary Epithelial Cells in Culture, J Cell Biol 98, 1026, 1984 |
小鼠 | 小鼠 (C3H/HeN), 雌性 | Epithelial | Deoxyribonuclease I: 0.0001% | Medium 199 | Taketani, Y., and Oka, T.: EGF Stimulates Cell Proliferation and Inhibits Functional Differentiation of Mouse Mammalian Dipithelial Cells in Culture, Endocrinology 113, 871, 1983 |
小鼠 | 小鼠, (白變種實驗室老鼠/Crgl Me), 雌性, 懷孕的 | Epithelial | Pepsin: 0.1% and 0.05% | HBSS with 0.2% EDTA, CMF | Riser, M., Huff, B., and Medina, D.: Pepsin Can Be Used To Subculture Viable Mammary Epithelial Cells, In Vitro 19, 730, 1983 |
小鼠 | 小鼠, 雌性 | Epithelial | Deoxyribonuclease I: 0.1% | DMEM | Jones, W., and Hallowes, R.: Isolation of the Epithelial Subcomponents of the Mouse Mammary Gland for Tissue-Level Culture Studies, J Tiss Cul Meth 8 (1), 17, 1983 |
小鼠 | 小鼠 (NMuMG), 雌性, 2 months | Epithelial | Collagenase Type 3: 0.1% | DMEM | Ehmann, U., and Misfeldt, D.: Mouse Mammary Cells in D-Valine Medium, In Vitro 18, 407, 1982 |
小鼠 | 小鼠, 白變種實驗室老鼠Cr1, 雌性 | Epithelial | Collagenase Type 2: 0.2% | HBSS/DMEM | Asch, B., Burstein, N., Vidrich, A., and Sun, T.: Identification of Mouse Mammary Epithelial Cells by Immunofluorescence With Rabbit and Guinea-Pig Antikeratin Antisera, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 78, 5643, 1981 |
小鼠 | 小鼠 (白變種實驗室老鼠fC3H) | Mammary tumors | Collagenase: 1.0% | HBSS | Yang, J., Guzman, R., Richards, J., and Nandi, S.: Primary Cultures of Mouse Mammary Tumor Epithelial Cells Embedded in Collagen Gels, In Vitro 16, 502, 1980 |
Epithelial | |||||
小鼠 | 小鼠, 懷孕的 8-12 天 | Mammary | (see reference): | HBSS | Yang J, Richards J, Guzman R, Imagawa W, and Nandi S.: Sustained growth in primary culture of normal mammary epithelial cells embedded in collagen gels, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 77, 2088, 1980 |
小鼠 | 小鼠 (白變種實驗室老鼠Crgl), 處女, 雌性, 4-8 個月 | Epithelial | Collagenase Type 3: 0.1% | HBSS | White, M., Hu, A., Hamamoto, S. and Nandi: In vitro analysis of proliferating epithelial cell populations from the mouse mammary gland: fibroblast-free growth and serial passage, In Vitro 14, 271, 1978 |
Mammary gland | |||||
小鼠 | 小鼠 (白變種實驗室老鼠), 懷孕的, 60-80 天 | Mammary | Hyaluronidase: 0.1% | CMF medium | Ceriani, R., Peterson, J., and Abraham, S.: Removal of Cell Surface Material by Enzymes Used to Dissociate Mammary Gland Cells, In Vitro 14, 887, 1978 |
小鼠 | 小鼠, 白變種實驗室老鼠fC3H/Crgl, 處女, 雌性 | Nodule-transformed | Hyaluronidase: 0.1% | Medium 199 | DeOme, K., Miyamoto, M., Osborn, R., Guzman, R., and Lum, K.: Detection of Inaparent Nodule-transformed Cells in the Mammary Gland Tissues of Virgn 雌性 白變種實驗室老鼠fC3H Mice, Cancer Res 38, 2103, 1978 |
小鼠 | 小鼠, 白變種實驗室老鼠Crgl, 雌性 | Swiss 3T3 | Collagenase Type 3: 0.2% | PBS CMF | Asch, B., and Medina, D.: Concanavalin A-Induced Agglutinability of Normal, Preneoplastic, and Neoplastic Mouse Mammary Cells, J Natl Cancer Inst 61 (6), 1423, 1978 |
(包括豚鼠) | |||||
小鼠 | 小鼠, (C3H/Crgl or 白變種實驗室老鼠Crgl), 8-10 天 懷孕的 | Epithelial | Collagenase Type 3: 0.12% | HBSS | Emerman, J., Enami, J., Pika, D., and Nandi, S.: Hormonal Effects on Intracellular and Secreted Casein in Cultures of Mouse Mammary Epithelial Cells on Floating Collagen Membranes, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 74 (10), 4466, 1977 |
小鼠 | 小鼠, 哺乳(期) | Parenchymal | Collagenase Type 1: 0.3% | Kreb's Ringer bicarbonate buffer | Kerkof, P., and Abraham, S.: Preparation of Adipose Cell-Free Suspensions of Mammary Gland Parenchymal Cells from Lactating Mice, Methods Enzymol 69, 693, 1976 |
小鼠 | 小鼠, 雌性, 早期妊娠小于10 天 | Epithelial | Collagenase: 0.1% | Eagle's MEM | Moore, D., and Lasfargues, E.: Method for the Continuous C*tion of Mammary Epithelium, In Vitro 7, 21, 1971 |
小鼠 | 小鼠, CBA, 處女, 9/10 周 | Mammary | Hyaluronidase: 0.1% | BSS, CMF | Prop, F., and Wiepjes, G.: Improved method for preparation of single-cell suspensions from mammary glands of adult virgin mouse, Exp Cell Res 61, 451, 1970 |
小鼠 | 小鼠, 哺乳期, 14-18 天 | Parenchymal | Collagenase: 0.33% | Kreb's buffer | Pika, D., Kerkof, P., Gagne, H., Smith, S., and Abraham, S.: Characteristics of Cells Dissociated from Mouse Mammary Glands. I. Method of Separation and Morphology of Parenchymal Cells from Lactating Glands, Exp Cell Res 57, 43, 1969 |
小鼠 | 小鼠, 哺乳期, 14 天 | Mammary | Trypsin NF 1:250: 0.25% | HBSS | Kopelovich, L., Abraham, S., McGrath, H., DeOme, K., Chaikoff, I.: Metabolic Characteristics of a Naturally Ocurring Preneoplastic Tissue. I. Glycolytic Enzyme Activators of Hyperplastic Alveolar Nodule Outgrowths and Adenocarcinomas of Mouse Mammary Gland, Cancer Res 26, 1534, 1966 |
小鼠 | 小鼠, 懷孕的, 14-17 天 | Mammary | Collagenase: 0.05% - 0.1% | HBSS | Daniel, C., and DeOme, K.: Growth of Mouse Mammary Glands In Vivo After Monolayer Culture, Science 149, 634, 1965 |
小鼠 | 小鼠, adult, 1-10 天s 懷孕的 | Epithelial | Collagenase: 0.02% | Simm's | Lasfargues, E.: C*tion and Behavior In Vitro of the Normal Mammary Epithelium of the Adult Mouse. II. Observations on the Secretory Activity, Exp Cell Res 13, 553, 1957 |
Mammary | |||||
大鼠 | 大鼠 | Mammary epithelial | Collagenase Type 3: 0.35% | HBSS | Mei, N., McDaniel, L., Dobrovolsky, V., Guo, X., Shaddock, J., Mitstaedt, R., Azuma, M., Shelton, S., McGarrity, L., Doerge, D. and Heflich, R.: The Genotoxicity of Acrylamide and Glycidamide in Big Blue Rats., Toxicol Sci 115, 412, 2010 |
大鼠 | 大鼠, 雌性, 50 天 | Mammary epithelial | Collagenase Type 3: 0.15% | DMEM/F12 | Maffini M., Soto A., Calabro J., Ucci A., and Sonnenschein C.: The Stroma as a Crucial Target in Rat Mammary Gland Carcinogenesis, J Cell Sci 117, 1495, 2004 |
大鼠 | 大鼠, 雌性 | Mammary gland epithelial | Collagenase Type 3: 0.35% | see reference | Djuric Z., Lewis S., Lu M., Mayhugh M., Naegeli L., Tang N., and Hart R.: Effect of Varying Caloric Restriction Levels on 雌性 Rat Growth and 5-hydroxymethyl-2'-deoxyuridine in DNA, Toxicol Sci 66, 125, 2002 |
大鼠 | SD大鼠, | Mammary fibroblasts | Collagenase Type 3: 0.2% | DMEM/F-12 | Brake P., Zhang L., and Jefcoate C.: Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Regulation of Cytochrome P4501B1 in Rat Mammary Fibroblasts: Evidence for Transcriptional Repression by Glucocorticoids, Mol Pharmacol 54, 825, 1998 |
Neutral Protease: 0.2% | |||||
Deoxyribonuclease I: 0.01% | |||||
大鼠 | SD大鼠, 50 天 | Mammary epithelial | Collagenase Type 3: 0.2% | DMEM/F12 | Varela L., Darcy K., and Ip M.: The Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor is not Required for Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha Action in Normal Mammary Epithelial Cells,Endocrinology 138, 3891, 1997 |
Neutral Protease: 0.2% | |||||
大鼠 | 大鼠 | Epithelial | Collagenase Type 1: 0.4% | DMEM | Soriano, J., Pepper, M., Nakamura, T., Orci, L., and Montesano, R.: Hepatocyte Growth Factor Stimulates Extensive Development of Branching Duct-like Structures by Cloned Mammary Gland Epithelial Cells, J Cell Sci 108, 413-430, 1995 |
(包括人類) | |||||
大鼠 | SD大鼠, 雌性, 60-90 天 | Epithelial | Collagenase Type 3: 0.5% | EBSS | Laduca, J., and Sinha, D.: In Vitro Carcinogenesis of Mammary Epithelial Cells by N-Nitroso-N-Methylurea Using a Collagen Gel Matrix Culture, In Vitro Cell Dev Biol 29A, 789, 1993 |
大鼠 | Lewis大鼠, 雌性, 90 天 | Epithelial | Collagenase: 0.05% | Medium 199 | Lin, T., Hom, Y.K., Richards, J. and Nandi, S.: Effects of Antioxidants and Reduced Oxygen Tension on Rat Mammary Epithelial Cells in Culture, In Vitro Cell Dev Biol 27A, 191, 1991 |
Mammary | |||||
大鼠 | SD大鼠, 雌性, 55 天 | Epithelial | Neutral Protease: 3 u/ml | Medium 199 | Ehmann, U., Osborn, R., Guzman, R., and Fajardo, L.: Cultured Proliferating Rat Mammary Epithelial Cells, In Vitro Cell Dev Biol 27, 749, 1991 |
大鼠 | 大鼠, 50-60 天 | Epithelial | Neutral Protease: 0.2% | EBSS | Hahm, H.A., Ip, M.M.: Primary Culture of Normal Rat Mammary Epithelial Cells Within a Basement Matrix. 1. Regulation of Proliferation by Hormones and Growth Factors, In Vitro Cell Dev Biol 26, 791, 1990 |
大鼠 | 大鼠, 食魚動物 344, 處女, 80-100 天 | Epithelial | Hyaluronidase: 0.1% | Medium 199 | McGrath, M., Palmer, S., and Nandi, S.: Differential Response of Normal Rat Mammary Epithelial Cells to Mammogenic Hormones and EGF, J Cell Physiol 125, 182, 1985 |
大鼠 | 大鼠, LEW, 處女, 雌性, 45-50 天 | Epithelial | Collagenase: 0.1% | Medium 199 | Ethler, S.: Primary Culture and Serial Passage of Normal and Carcinogen-Treated Rat Mammary Epithelial Cells In Vitro, J Natl Cancer Inst 74 (6), 1307, 1985 |
大鼠 | 大鼠, SD, 雌性 | Epithelial, cancer and tumor | Collagenase: 0.1% | Eagles's MEM | Cohen, L.: Isolation and Characterization of a Serially C*ted, Neoplastic, Epithelial Cell Line from the N-nitrosomethylurea Induced Rat Mammary Adenocarcinoma, In Vitro 18, 565, 1982 |
大鼠 | 大鼠, 近親繁殖的LEW, 雌性, 50-60 天 大 | Epithelial | Collagenase Type 3: 0.1% | Medium 199 | Richards, J., and Nandi, S.: Primary Culture of Rat Mammary Epithelial Cells. I. Effect of Plating Density, Horomones, and Serum on DNA Synthesis, J Natl Cancer Inst 61 (3), 765, 1978 |
大鼠 | Wistar大鼠, 產(chǎn)后的13-18 天 | Acini | Collagenase: 0.05% | HBSS | Katz, J., Wals, P. and Van de Velde, R: Lipogenesis by Acini from Mammary Gland of Lactating Rats, J Biol Chem 249, 7348, 1974 |
大鼠 | SD大鼠, 產(chǎn)后的15-20 天 | Mammary | Collagenase: 0.2% | Kreb's Ringer bicarbonate buffer | Martin, R., and Baldwin, R.: Effects of Insulin on Isolated Rat Mammary Cell Metabolism: Glucose Utilization and Metabolite Patterns, Endocrinology 89, 1263, 1971 |
大鼠 | 大鼠, 處女 | Mammary | Collagenase: 0.35% | Medium 199 | Moon, R., Janns, D., and Young, S.: Preparation of Fat Cell-"Free" Rat Mammary Gland, J Histochem Cytochem 17 (3), 182, 1969 |
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6:我們還是Santa,Advanced Biotechnologies Inc, Worthington Biochemical ,bangs,BBInternational,crystalchem,dianova,FD Neurotechnologies,Inc. Dako,Inc, GePromegaridege, Glycotope Biotechnology GmbH; iduron,Innovative Research of America, Ludger, neuroprobe,Worthington Biochemical , Polysciences,prospecbi, QA-BIO,quickzyme,FULLERLABS,INC,sterlitech;sysy,TriLink BioTechnologies,Inc;worthington-biochem,zyagen等幾十家國外公司授權(quán)代理。
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