Description: The Agilent HP 83483A is a reconditioned 2 Channel 12.4 GHz - 20 GHz Electrical Plug-In used inthe 83480A mainframe.
深圳市微普測電子有限公司 |
—— 銷售熱線 ——
13631619401 |
Description: The Agilent HP 83483A is a reconditioned 2 Channel 12.4 GHz - 20 GHz Electrical Plug-In used inthe 83480A mainframe.
Product Specs:
HP 83483A Dual-Channel Electrical Plug-in Module Two electrical channels: 20GHz Bandwidth, 1mV/div to 100mV/div scale
深圳市微普測電子有限公司 陳丙州-