3380 Gas Chromatograph
The 3380 GC is a single or dual channel, fixed configuration GC based on the revolutionary CP-3800 GC with an affordable price. It uses the same high performance injectordetector hardware as for the CP-3800 GC. It is fully functional as a standalone GC or controlled through the Varian Star Workstation or the Galaxie Chromatography Data System.
The 3380 GC is available in twelve configurations, all with manual pneumatics:
Single Channel
1177 injectorFID
1177 injectorECD
1041 injectorFID
1041 injectorTCD
Dual Channel
1177/1177 injectorFID/FID
1177/1177 injectorFID/ECD
1177/1041 injectorFID/FID
1177/1041 injectorFID/TCD
1177/1041 injectorFID/ECD
1041/1041 injectorFID/FID
1041/1041 injectorTCD/TCD
1041/1041 injectorFID/TCD
Optional gas sampling valve or liquid sampling valve can be added to the configuration. In addition, the 3380 GC can be automated with the full line of Varian autosamplers.